Making a complex process simple.

We work closely with you and our insurance partners to ensure that this process is as simple and efficient as possible.​

The Herron Approach to Insurance Claims

Our ultimate goal is to get your business or household back up and running quickly. As your insurance advisor, being there for you at the time of a claim is the most important role we play. The claims process can be long and complex – but we work closely with you and our insurance partners to ensure that this process is as simple and efficient as possible.

To do this, we guide you through the claims process, from lodgement of the claim, to monitoring the progress, and negotiating with our insurance partners to ensure the best possible outcome.

Day to day business

Our Claims Management Philosophy:

In the event of a claim, we commit to:

  • Act fairly in the interests of our clients in the event of a claim.

  • Assist our clients with the claim lodgement process through to finalisation of the claim.

  • Assist our clients to understand overly complex policy interpretations.

  • Assist our clients to reduce the cost and the number of claims through effective risk management strategies.

  • Provide 24hr emergency claims assistance where required.

  • Assisting our clients in lodging claims and maintaining communication every step of the way.

  • Advocate and negotiate with the insurer on behalf of our client to ensure they receive their full entitlements.

  • Arrange for a loss assessor to be appointed where required.

  • Arrange expert consultants including legal and accounting services where needed.

  • Arrange access to Risk Management services to assist in prevention or mitigation against future loss.

24/7 Emergency Claims Response

As a Herron client you have access to Insurance Advisernet’s 24/7 emergency building services to ensure your property is safe and protected after an accident. The 24/7 service provides you with make-safe, restoration, blazing/shuttering, and flooring services.

We're ready to help.

Our team are real people who care about our clients and our community of business owners. Get in touch to learn how our services will give you confidence that you’re protected when you need it most.

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